Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes in Kerala

ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in kerala

Control and permanent cure diabetes through time proven Kerala Ayurvedic treatments and strategies. Our Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in Kerala will address underlying metabolic imbalances and address life style factors contributing to your disease naturally

Diabetes is a condition caused by the presence of excess glucose in the blood. This can be due to insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas or when the cells are not responding to the insulin. Diabetes cannot be treated by taking medicine alone. It requires a change in lifestyle, a healthy diet, physical exercises etc.

Ayurveda refer Diabetes as Prameha that appears to have very strong correlation and similarity to Diabetes Mellitus. At Shiva Ayurveda ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in kerala ranges from oral medication to purification methods which are all carried out under the supervision of the doctors.

This metabolic disorder causes tissue damage, so even if the blood sugar levels are kept under control with medicines, it can damage eyes, kidneys or other vital organs later on.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes in Kerala

Ayurveda does not regard Diabetes as disease that can be treated by mere medicine or by dietary regimen. Madhumeha is classified as a Maha Rog (Major Disease) because, if not treated in time, it can lead to several complications in the body, including eye problems, joint pains, impotency, kidney failure, sexual and urological problems, and more.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder and it cannot be merely treated by controlling sugar levels. The treatment recommended in Ayurveda - as against modern medicine - is aimed at rejuvenating the body to not only balance sugar levels, but also ensuring that no further complication is caused.

ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in kerala

Our Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes in Kerala Includes:

Shiva's ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in kerala combines ayurvedic treatments, medicines, diet and lifestyle recommendations which can cut down medicine-dependence and treats the root cause.

Our Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in Kerala targets the pancreas and stimulates greater insulin production to control your sugar levels. With health sugar metabolism, you will never have irregular spikes in your blood sugar. This means you can avoid all the severe side effects that diabetes can cause.

Permanent Cure for Diabetes

No longer do you have to worry about neurological damage or diabetes neuropathies. Our Permanent cure for diabetes package gives you the freedom to lead a healthy and happy life without having to constantly worry about what you are putting on your plate. With long term use, and a little weight management, you can even go back to eating without too many restrictions.